Although I like to cook and everyone at home likes what I cook, there are times when I reach an absolute stagnancy wherein I just don't feel like eating what I have cooked. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that the dish turns out inedible. What I mean is that I get fed up of having the same type of taste every time I cook with a particular ingredient be it a vegetable or a spice.
In desi terms they say "Haath baith gaya hai" (The hand is set), so everytime I make a particular dish, it ends up tasting exactly the same. While this is sometimes considered to be a sign of a well seasoned cook :), I had reached a point where I just wanted to have something different. While in India, I did have a chance to do just that, but its been hardly a month since I have come back and I am already reached that threshold where things start looking very monotonous. Now I can not really wait for the next trip as its definitely going to be quite some time before I get a chance to even think about it. So something had to be done and I came up with a plan.
The plan is to observe a 'No self Cooking' week every month. No, that does not mean GM is going to don the apron for that week. While he would readily agree to it, its not practically possible everyday for a week, lack of time being the major reason. I do allow him to make a mess in the kitchen once in a while though :) What this plan really means is that for a whole week every month, I will be trying out recipes from fellow bloggers for the everyday meal options and of course share them here on this blog.
For now, here are Jugalbandi's Spring Onion Pancakes, which I feel are a great weekend brunch option or even a hurried breakfast on a weekday since they are so easy & quick to make.
Although their recipe states that the flavours can be changed/added according to preferences, I stuck to Spring onions. The pancakes were served with this Chutney.
Please note that the above picture does not do any justice to the actual Pancakes. I was in a hurry and the batteries ditched me as well, so I could only manage this single shot, while the original idea was to get several snaps, showing off the light brown crust on the other side (Believe me, I did get get a nice one...)
This is my entry for this months MBP, an event started by Coffee of The Spice Cafe and being hosted at Simple Indian food. The theme for the month is Easy Breezy Breakfast.